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Mental health tips by Nick de Waard

Nick de Waard gives some mental health tips. He is an expert!

1. Bring structure to your day
If you stay in bed late on a Sunday, not much will happen for the rest of the day. An occasional day of lazing is of course fine, but be aware that not every day will look like such a Sunday. Agree with yourself a time when you get up: this gives you something to hold on to. Have breakfast and get dressed so that you start the day fresh and in good spirits. It can also help to plan. For example, spend your morning at school or work, relax for an hour in the afternoon and then continue with a hobby or chores. Make a list in the morning of what you want to do that day and stick to it. This way you keep an overview and if you make it, it gives you a good feeling.

2. Take care of yourself
Taking good care of yourself can mean something different for everyone. Here are some things to think about:

3. Eat healthy
It is important that you get the right nutrients. They give you energy and make you feel better. So leave that bag of chips for a while and start cooking with new, healthy recipes. The Nutrition Center gives useful tips to eat healthier. Also, don’t forget to drink enough water. At least 1.5 liters per day will do you more than good.

4. Get enough exercise
Movement helps to not only feel good physically, but also mentally. There are currently restrictions on some sports, but luckily you can find many channels on YouTube that help you exercise at home. Get moving in your own living room with the help of experts or take a walk in the park around the corner.

5. Dose how much news you follow
Limit the time you spend on news and information searching every day. Choose one or two longer moments a day to inform yourself instead of constantly exposing your brain to corona messages. If you are looking for information, consult reliable sources such as the RIVM or the Red Cross.

6. Think about the little things and be proud of yourself
The corona crisis is not easy for anyone and you should be proud that you are dragging yourself through it. Also pay close attention to your mental health and take a moment every day to reflect on how you feel. This psychological trick can help: name three things that were positive about the day. These can be small things, such as a beautiful sunset or that you have completed your to-do list. Still gloomy? Also consider delving into mindfulness. There are countless useful apps that can help you with that.